Adelaide Margiotta

Adelaide Margiotta

She completed her undergraduate studies in Clinical Psychology, person, family and community relations at the Cattolica del Sacro Cuore University in Milan, with a stay at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Then studied her Master’s degree in General Health Psychology at the Abat Oliva University of Barcelona and different courses in Transactional Analysis.

She is currently studying the Postgraduate in Systemic Relational Therapy at the Hestía Center.

In Italy she has worked as a child educator with children from 5 to 10 years old. She has the federal title of aquatic activities and has dedicated herself especially to neonatal psychomotricity for children from 0 to 3 years old and aquatic therapy for people with disabilities.

She developed her clinical experience in the field of eating disorders, understanding these as a manifestation of deep discomfort that need to be heard and understood. During her professional training, she has observed how difficulties or symptoms acquire more meaning when we explore and understand the context and the different relational levels in which the human being is immersed. That was her motivation to start her training as a Relational Systemic Psychotherapist.

Practices in Italian and Spanish.

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